Applied Behavior Analysis Technician(ABAT)
ABAT stands for Applied Behaviour Analysis Technician and is an entry-level credential offered by the Qualified Applied Behavior Analysis Credentialing Board (QABA®). ABATs are paraprofessionals who work directly with clients, implementing behaviour analytic services under the supervision of a qualified QBA or QASP-S. The ABAT credential indicates to employers and consumers of behaviour analytic services that the paraprofessional has received quality training in specific evidence–based procedures. Stepping Stones Center has a team of Behaviour Analysts with experience in instructional design along with multiple years of experience in the clinical and teaching field. They have created the course work to meet the needs of students wanting to strengthen their theoretical and practical skills. This comprehensive training covers all content from the ABAT task list and is approved by the QABA Board as well (one of the first ones in India!). The course is designed to keep learners engaged to advance learning; all modules are taught by experienced BCaBAs , BCBAs, BCBA-D
The Next Training Batch starts on April 25, 2025. To know more details, click here
Shadow Teacher Training
A Shadow teacher is an educational paraprofessional, works directly with young students who have learning differences to improve their classroom experience. Providing a shadow teacher allows the child to attend a mainstream class while receiving the extra attention that he/she needs.
Duration: 3 hours
Program Highlights:
- Curriculum developed by experts in the area of Inclusive Education
- Hands on practice with children with special needs
- Observation of Inclusion Classroom
- Any graduation
- +2/PUC pass
Venue: Saandeepani Academy, Sarjapur
ABA Training
Our 10 days ABA training consist of both theory and in-person. The theory training is completed via a 40 hours (self-paced) online module – which explains the foundational concepts of ABA.
The hands on training is conducted at our center under the guidance of our program supervisors and senior therapist. The on-site training begins with observing the sessions of an experienced therapist. Next, during pull-out training sessions led by a senior therapist, role-playing of the processes is done before going on to interactions with learners. The different teaching procedures and protocols are taught during this hands on training. Evaluations are carried out during this training session to determine whether a candidate is prepared for employment at the end of 10 days (consisting of feedback to the candidate to work on the correctives).